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In the Press

Check out the press releases created by AEC

18 June 2024 - Press Release - The Curriculum MAG’s evidence base falls short.

Aotearoa Educators Collective has released, ‘Review of the Ministerial Advisory Group Report March 2024’, raising big questions about the lack of evidence behind a number of the claims made in the MAG Curriculum Report released by the government last week. - full release

30 May 2024 - Press Release - The Government missed their chance to address issues in Education

The Government has been quick to highlight New Zealand’s ‘failing’ education system, yet when given a chance to address through their first budget they have left the sector feeling like things are going backwards. - full release

20 May 2024 - The merits of 21st-century-learning. School News

Dr Sarah Aiono defends modern education practices against recent criticisms, outlining the evidence behind 21st century pedagogies. - full release

14 May 2024 - Press Release - A new report highlights the need for a Government rethink about mandating pedagogy.

In light of the revealing findings from The Education Hub’s “The Illusion of Inclusion” report, it is imperative to scrutinise the current trajectory of New Zealand’s educational policies under this Government. - full release

8 May 2024 - Claire Amos & Maurie Abraham - Meet the man behind the Government’s education policy.

The Government’s education policy reform has striking parallels to those put forward by researcher Michael Johnston and right-wing think tank the New Zealand Initiative. - full release

2 May 2024 - Sarah Aiono on The Panel - discussing the structured literacy announcement.

Tonight on The Panel, Wallace Chapman and panelists Stephen Franks and Zoe George discuss the Government's announced mandatory approach to literacy learning. - full release

30 April 2024 - Educators brace themselves for a radical swing in curriculum.

Radical swings in curriculum do not work for students. Despite this, the Government is pushing ahead with plans to shelve the
Curriculum Refresh.
 - full release

5 April 2024 - Aotearoa Educators Collective: here to stay, and here to be heard.

Professor Peter O’Connor from the University of Auckland is no stranger to public speaking, but in the lead up to the launch of Aotearoa Educators Collective (AEC), he admits he was nervous. - full release

3 April 2024 - Minister needs evidence to back her claim linking structured mathematics to raising achievement.

The mathematics education research community in Aotearoa share growing concerns with the statements from the Education Minister of the need for structured mathematics to raise student achievement. - full release

27 March 2024 - AEC calls on the government to move beyond the sound bite!

Today, Aotearoa Educators Collective launches with a panel discussion with over 200 educators and academics. The panel is discussing the real crisis in education. - full release

24 November 2023 - Concerns over incoming Government policy

Educators are concerned to hear the incoming government's plan to put tax payers money into for profit schooling. - full release

11 September 2023 - National’s approach to education is out of touch

Teachers and principals don’t need Chris Luxon telling the profession how to teach reading.  Just like with the cellphone ban they are out of touch with the real issues going on in education. - full release

10 August 2023 - APPA Survey shows schools are focused on literacy and numeracy

There is nothing surprising in the results of recent research undertaken
by the Auckland Primary Principal Association. - full release

©2023 by Aotearoa Education Collective.

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